Catalogue of Climate Scientific Experts
Welcome to the beta version of our Catalogue of Climate Scientific Experts! This catalogue centralises information on climate-related scientific experts working in universities, federal scientific institutes, and regional research centres of Belgium. It currently features 443 well-established scientific experts who are actively engaged in climate research.
Use the dropdown buttons below to search for experts by their area(s) of expertise and/or discipline. If you are a scientific expert and would like to update your information or be added to the catalogue, contact us. We hope this tool helps you find the right expert for your needs.
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Andrea Armstrong
Silent Spring Consultants, VUB
Research theme(s):
Society, Land and Water
(Just) transition
Nature-based climate solutions
Climate policy and law
Urban planning
Extreme Heat - Preparedness, Planning And Impacts | Climate Action | Climate Governance And Politics | Climate Adaptation And Mitigation | Climate Resilience
Sandra Arndt
University libre de Bruxelles,
Research theme(s):
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Past and future climate
Biogeochemical Cycling in marine sediments | Subsea Permafrost and methane gas hydrates | Biogeochemical Cycling in Glacier and Ice Sheets | Coastal Carbon Cycling | Oceanic Anoxic Events
Jean-Francois Bastin
Research theme(s):
Land and Water, Physical
Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Nature-based climate solutions
Past and future climate
Remote Sensing | Forest Ecology | Carbon Stock | Ecosystem Restoration | Drones
Hans Beeckman
Africa Museum
Research theme(s):
Physical, Land and Water
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
Climate trends and extremes
Nature-based climate solutions
Wood Anatomy | Forest Ecology And Management | Dendrochronology | Paleoecology | Tree Performance
Sebastien Bertrand
Université Paris-Saclay, UGhent
Research theme(s):
Land and Water, Physical
Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Sea-level rise and marine ecosystems
Climate trends and extremes
Paleoclimatology | Sediments | Lakes | Fjords | Patagonia