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Data Portal Catalogue

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The data portal catalogue gives an overview of existing Belgian and international portals according to our four research domains. The Belgian portals are hosted by the data producer or webservice developer.


Please note that this overview is non-exhaustive and your feedback on the catalogue such as, for example, missing portals is very welcome. Contact us

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Our World in Data

Climate variability, trends, and extremes

Global data and research on the impacts of climate change, including temperature anomalies, sea level rise, sea ice melt, glacier loss, and ocean acidification.

International | Physical climate science

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Gender Climate Tracker

Just transition

Key statistics, policies, and research related to gender and climate

International | Society

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Urban Climate Simulator (VITO)

Climate variability, trends, and extremes / Reducing uncertainties in future climate projections

100m-resolution urban climate data for cities worldwide and for time periods and climate change scenarios from 2001 to 2100

International | Physical climate science

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Climate Change Litigation Databases of climate change caselaw

Climate policy and law

International | Society

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How will I experience climate change? #myclimatefuture

Climate variability, trends, and extremes / Reducing uncertainties in future climate projections

Tool to find out how many more climate extremes you will face across your lifetime relative to a world without climate change

International | Physical climate science

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Federal Planning Bureau

Just transition

Energy outlook for Belgium towards 2050

Belgium | Society

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Federal Service Climate Change

Just transition

Information portal on Belgian climate policy

Belgium | Society

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Climate Watch

Just transition

Open data, visualizations and analysis to help policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders gather insights on countries' climate progress

International | Society

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International Energy Agency (IEA) - Data and statistics

Renewable energy

International | Technology

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International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) - Statistics Data

Renewable energy

International | Technology

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Copernicus Energy Hub - Datasets for energy

Renewable energy

International | Technology

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National Geographic Institute (NGI-IGN) - Federal geodata portal

Climate variability, trends, and extremes / Reducing uncertainties in future climate projections

Belgian climate projections and climate impact indicators

Belgium | Physical climate science

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Carbontracker

Greenhouse gas emissions, carbon budget & pathways

International | Physical climate science

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Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS) Data Centre

Greenhouse gas emissions, carbon budget & pathways

International | Physical climate science

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Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)

Land use, land-use change and forestry / Sea-level rise

International | Land and Water

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Flemish Institute for Technological Research - Terrascope - Atmospheric data

Climate variability, trends, and extremes

Earth observational data and services

Belgium | Physical climate science

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European Hydrogen Observatory

Renewable energy

International | Technology

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International research institute for climate and Society

Disaster risk management / Health and wellbeing / Behaviour and consumption

International | Society

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European Environment Agency (EEA) Datahub with data on health and environmental health impacts

Health and wellbeing

International | Society

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United Nations World Food Programme

Health and wellbeing

International | Society

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European Climate Adaptation Platform - Climate-related health indices for Europe

Health and wellbeing

International | Society

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European Commission Education for Climate information portal

Education, communication and art

International | Society

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United Nations - Communicating on Climate Change

Education, communication and art

International | Society

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Climate Migration Health network overview of output, such as academic papers, policy briefs and educational material 

Health and wellbeing

International | Society

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Office for Climate Education 

Education, communication and art

International | Society

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European Space Agency - Data for validation of atmospheric composition products from satellite platforms

Greenhouse gas emissions, carbon budget & pathways

International | Physical climate science

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Global database with atmospheric chemical composition observations

Greenhouse gas emissions, carbon budget & pathways

International | Physical climate science

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Network for the Detection of Atmosperic Composition Change (NDACC)

Greenhouse gas emissions, carbon budget & pathways

International | Physical climate science

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World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre

Greenhouse gas emissions, carbon budget & pathways

International | Physical climate science

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Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)

Greenhouse gas emissions, carbon budget & pathways

International | Physical climate science

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