Catalogue des experts scientifiques du climat
Bienvenue dans la version bêta de notre Catalogue des experts scientifiques du climat ! Cette liste centralise des informations sur les experts scientifiques spécialisés dans le climat travaillant dans les universités, les instituts scientifiques fédéraux et les centres de recherche régionaux de Belgique. Il présente actuellement 443 experts scientifiques reconnus, activement engagés dans la recherche climatique.
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Andrea Armstrong
Silent Spring Consultants, VUB
Research theme(s):
Society, Land and Water
(Just) transition
Nature-based climate solutions
Climate policy and law
Urban planning
Extreme Heat - Preparedness, Planning And Impacts | Climate Action | Climate Governance And Politics | Climate Adaptation And Mitigation | Climate Resilience
Sandra Arndt
University libre de Bruxelles,
Research theme(s):
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Past and future climate
Biogeochemical Cycling in marine sediments | Subsea Permafrost and methane gas hydrates | Biogeochemical Cycling in Glacier and Ice Sheets | Coastal Carbon Cycling | Oceanic Anoxic Events
Jean-Francois Bastin
Research theme(s):
Land and Water, Physical
Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Nature-based climate solutions
Past and future climate
Remote Sensing | Forest Ecology | Carbon Stock | Ecosystem Restoration | Drones
Hans Beeckman
Africa Museum
Research theme(s):
Physical, Land and Water
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
Climate trends and extremes
Nature-based climate solutions
Wood Anatomy | Forest Ecology And Management | Dendrochronology | Paleoecology | Tree Performance
Sebastien Bertrand
Université Paris-Saclay, UGhent
Research theme(s):
Land and Water, Physical
Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Sea-level rise and marine ecosystems
Climate trends and extremes
Paleoclimatology | Sediments | Lakes | Fjords | Patagonia