Catalogue des experts scientifiques du climat
Bienvenue dans la version bêta de notre Catalogue des experts scientifiques du climat ! Cette liste centralise des informations sur les experts scientifiques spécialisés dans le climat travaillant dans les universités, les instituts scientifiques fédéraux et les centres de recherche régionaux de Belgique. Il présente actuellement 443 experts scientifiques reconnus, activement engagés dans la recherche climatique.
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Carole M. Billiet
Law Faculty, UHasselt, Baeyens & Billiet Law
Research theme(s):
Climate policy and law
(Just) transition
Climate change litigation | Biodiversity & climate change | Human rights & climate change | Innovation in governance | Environmental permitting & climate change
Pascal Boeckx
Research theme(s):
Physical, Land and Water
Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle
Agriculture and food
Climate trends and extremes
Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
Eddy Covariance Flux Tower | Central Africa | Stable Isotopes | Tropical Forest | Agriculture
Steven Caluwaerts
UGhent, RMI
Research theme(s):
Physical, Land and Water
Climate trends and extremes
Nature-based climate solutions
Past and future climate
Urban planning
Urban Climate | Meteorological Observations In Cities | Regional Climate Modelling | High-Resolution Weather Modelling | Heatwaves
Veroline Cauberghe
Ghent university
Research theme(s):
Society, Land and Water
Education, communication and art
Sea-level rise and marine ecosystems
Behaviour and consumption
Water management
Communication messages | Framing Theory | Cognitive biases | Behavioral change | Openess to change